Blog statistics for May
Well, May has been a slower month for both traffic and entries. I'll try to do better during the month of June...
As for the traffic, as of 11:00am today the simple counter reads a total of 226 visits since 24 March 2005. This means that there were 42 visits to the blog during the month of May.
I came across another statistics feature near the beginning of the month that was added on the evening of 25 May 2005. The StatCounter (see icon on right hand side) tells me that in the past six days there have been six unqiue visitors - five first time and one returning (since the StatCounter installation. These six visitors all came to Breaking into the Academy from Google or from Learning Rocks (thanks Johannes!). These visitors came from ISPs in Canada, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. Five of the six visitors stayed for less than five seconds, but one stayed for between 20 minutes to an hour. Finally, it seems that the entry "This whole publishing racket..." was the most popular entry for the past six days.
Anyway, those are some of the statistics for this blog over the past month. I'll be back again at the end of June with another update.